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Purple Tiger Poet

Often, I think what words mean to me,

The peace that they bring to my expression of being.

That words are my life is true, to be sure,

Without them, I fear, I'd be no more


Words weave the web, that entangle my life

Within their silvery snare,

Releasing the depths from inside me,

Of daydreams, taking me there.



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I am a poet, and yet my poetry has always been the most difficult thing for me to share.


When I began the journey to become an author, I wanted only to tell the story of the musicians who had, often unwittingly, mentored and guided me through the innumerable challenges of my life.

But it was in the reflections of "our story" that I realized, what they had given through their musical creations, was truly an act of vulnerability.

And to even begin to express my gratitude for all they had done, I could do no less...

I had to share myself.


What I learned along the way was the greatest gift they could have given.


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